Warcraft Fanon

Land Information
Name Ardenweald
Major Races IconSmall Sylvar MaleIconSmall Sylvar Female Sylvar
File:IconSmall Faerie.gif Faerie
File:IconSmall Spriggan.gif Spriggan
File:IconSmall Tirnenn.gif Tirnenn
File:IconSmall Vorkai Male.gifFile:IconSmall Vorkai Female.gif Vorkai
IconSmall Soul Soul
File:IconSmall Drust2 Male.gifFile:IconSmall Drust2 Female.gifFile:IconSmall DrustThin.gifFile:IconSmall WickerGeist.gifFile:IconSmall DrustMonster.gifDrust
Ardenweald Dragonflight
Faction Neutral
Founder Winter Queen
Current Leader Winter Queen
Location Shadowlands

Ardenweald is one of the ruling infinite realms of the Shadowlands.
